Be Proactive. Thrive Now.
Est. 2017
New Jersey/New York/Northeast
Participants must complete your first challenge by September 30, 2024.
Beginning October 1, 2024 participants must complete at least one challenge per month to remain in the competition.
2. To be eligible for bonus challenge points, a participant must complete both the bonus activity and at least one other challenge listed for the corresponding month, unless otherwise stated.
For self-tracked challenges - participants must:
(a) complete the challenge within any designated time limit and satisfy any other stipulations.
(b) track the challenge on Strava or a comparable tracking app.
The submitted track must show:
1. participants' name
2 map of track,
3 elapsed time,
4 mileage
5 elevation gain
6 any requirement stipulated in any challenge description.
Additional stats will be accepted by participants as offered and may be taken into account to determine a winner in the event of any ties in the future.
(c) take a few pictures/selfies or videos during the hike.
(d) if using Strava, we will review your profile intermittently to credit your points.
If using any other tracking app send the track and the pictures or videos to
or one of our social media accounts for verification.
We'll update the leaderboard once a month at the end of each month.
Starting in April 2025, the leaderboard will be updated once weekly.
Media shared by participants may be shared on PROACTIVEAHW social media accounts or on our website with participant approval.
4. Group events will be scheduled or could be 'pop-up' events, with notice, and will be announced on @proactiveahw social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) and on our website.
5. Participants who attend group events will receive 5 additional points. If a participant does not attend the group event, they can complete the same route at any time during that same month to receive Proactive Points, but not the additional 5 bonus points.
7. The participant with the most points at the end of the year will
(a) be the 2024-2025 Proactive-AHW Champion
(b) awarded the PROACTIVE championship belt
(c) receive a cash prize ($1000.00).
A 2nd and 3rd place medal and additional prizes will be awarded to the 2 subsequent participants based on points.
8. If there is a tie at the end of the season...
the tie will be broken through attrition based off of statistics collected from each challenge throughout the year.
If a winner is still not apparent based off of the existing statistics, participants involved in the tie will be asked to submit 10 additional personal solo accomplishments completed between June 2024-May 2025 for consideration.
If a winner is still not apparent based on the existing data, a vote will be held to determine the winner of which the constituency would be pulled from participants, partners, and followers.
Belts, medals, and cash prizes will be awarded in August at the 2025 PROACTIVE BBQ.
9. This is meant to be primarily for fun and the competition involved should be primarily the participant competing with themself.
Complete by May 31, 2025
[ ] 10/15/20/25/30/35 Points - Sun Pop - Complete as many climbs as you can to the top of Popolopen Torne between sunrise and sunset - this event that will be held as a PROACTIVE social hike. Completing 1 climb up to the top of Pop will earn 10 points. Completing 2-3 climbs will earn 15 points. Completing 4-5 climbs will earn 20 points. 6-8 climbs will earn 25 points. Completing 9-11 climbs will earn 30 points. 13 or more climbs will earn 35 points. If self-tracking, the route from Mine Road to the top of Popolopen Torne and back (1.2 miles/485 feet) counts as a climb.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike in NY totaling 7 or more miles.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike in NJ totaling 5 or more miles.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike to a sunrise totaling 1.5 or more miles. Despite the weather and visibility, any hike completed during sunrise hours will be counted.
Complete before May 31, 2025
[ ] 50 Points - Complete the entire 24-mile/9000ish feet Devil's Path, in either direction, within a 24-hour period. Any other North East Ultra 8 will be accepted (Mahoosuc Traverse, Cranberry Lake 50, Pemigewasset Loop, Taconic Crest Trail, Saranac 6, Presidential Traverse, Great Range Traverse)
[ ] 40 Points - Hike 30 miles in the Palisades. Anywhere between South Mountain County Park to the Long Path marker at the George Washington Bridge. This can be broken up into two 15-mile hikes within 48 hours.
Complete between August 1, 2024 and August 31, 2024
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike, of any distance, that includes 1500 feet or more of elevation gain.
[ ] 30 Points - Complete Schunemunk Tour. A patch will be awarded to any participants who complete this route. Route details and minimum eligibility can be found at this link. Anybody who completes this hike between the months of July and September, whether or not they are participating in the Challenge, can request a patch by emailing This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 10 Points - Attend the PROACTIVE BBQ on August 17th at Fahnestock State Park. No hiking necessary, but likely desired, all you need to do is stop by for a visit.
Complete between September 1, 2024 and September 30, 2024
[ ] 30 Points - Complete The Hudson Highlands Tour in 24 hours. The official "HHT" consists of 3 climbs up Popolopen Torne from Mine Road, a climb up Bear Mountain to Perkins Tower (any route), a walk across the Bear Mountain Bridge and a climb up Anthony's Nose (any route), a walk back across the Bear Mountain Bridge back to Bear Mountain, a climb up to at least the NYC View on Bull Hill, a climb up Breakneck Ridge to at least the flag (pending trail openings - TBD), and a climb up the Casino Trail to Beacon Fire Tower. This will be held as a social hike. You may also earn the full points for completing the same climbs (3X Pop Torne, 1X Bear Mountain, X1 from Bear Mountain Inn Parking to Anthony's Nose and back via foot, X1 NYC view on Bull Hill, X1 to Breakneck Flag, and X1 climb up the Casino Trail to Beacon Tower) in any order, in a 24-hour period. You are able to drive from mountain to mountain aside from Bear to Anthony's Nose. Earn partial points for the following: 10 points for completing 3 climbs of Pop Torne (separate from your Sun Pop route) or earn 15 points for completing 3 climbs of Pop Torne (separate from your Sun Pop route) and at least one more of the aforementioned climbs.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike in the Catskills (or anywhere north of) totaling 7 or more miles.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike, of any distance, that includes 1500 feet or more of elevation gain.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike totaling 3 or more miles that includes a fire tower. This instance will only earn Challenge points and not Task points.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike totaling 5 or more miles to a place where the leaves are beginning to change. Any amount of leaf change will be counted as conditions cannot be predicted or controlled.
Complete between October 1, 2024 and October 31, 2024
[ ] 35 Points - Complete any hike in totaling 20 or more miles.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike totaling 7 or more miles.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike to any ruins totaling 5 or more miles. Accepted ruins will be any structures, heavy machinery, automobiles, airplanes, or other comparable things that have been abandoned or stranded on any mountains or in any forests.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Attend any of the PROACTIVE "creepy" hikes, held as PROACTIVE social hikes during the month of October in honor of Halloween. These bonus points will be awarded whether or not a participant completes an additional challenge for the month. In addition, these bonus points can be awarded in addition to points earned by a participant for satisfying this month's EASY or MODERATE challenges by attending a "creepy" hike.
Complete between November 1, 2024 and November 30, 2024
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike or combination of hikes totaling 5 or more miles that includes any view of the Delaware Water Gap or the Hudson River. This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 30/35 Points - Complete NGT (30) or Winaki Derby (35). A patch will be awarded to any participants who complete either of these hikes. Route details and minimum eligibility for NGT can be found at this link. Winaki Derby will be held as a PROACTIVE social hike (if interested in a solo, please request a route) and will total nearly 32 miles and 6000 feet of elevation gain. Anybody who completes either of these hikes between the months of October and December, whether or not they are participating in the Challenge, can request a patch by emailing
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike totaling 10 or more miles or 2000 or more feet of elevation.
Complete between December 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024
[ ] 20 Points - Complete any hike totaling 15 or more miles.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike totaling 10 or more miles.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike totaling 5 or more miles. This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Attend the PROACTIVE Dinner in December 2024. The date and location of the Dinner will be announced at August's BBQ.
Complete between January 1, 2025 and January 31, 2025
[ ] 30 Points - Complete Beacon Bully. A patch will be awarded to any participants who complete this route. Route details and minimum eligibility can be found at this link. Anybody who completes this hike between the months of January and March whether or not they are participating in the Challenge, can request a patch by emailing This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike, of any distance, that includes 2500 feet or more of elevation gain.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike totaling 7 or more miles. This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike in the snow totaling 1.5 or more miles. Since weather conditions cannot be guaranteed, any hike totaling 1.5 miles or more that features snow, ice, or in an area that would traditionally have snow will be counted.
Complete between February 1, 2025 and February 29, 2025
[ ] 20 Points - Complete any hike totaling 18 or more miles. This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike totaling 10 or more miles and double summit. This would include arriving at the summit by either looping the route twice, completing two out and backs, or using two separate approaches to arrive at said summit.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike totaling 7 or more miles in Harriman State Park.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike, of at least 3 mile or more, with another person.
Complete between March 1, 2025 and March 31, 2025
[ ] 35 Points - Complete any hike totaling 22.5 miles or more. This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike in the Hudson Highlands totaling 7 or more miles.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike in NJ totaling 10 or more miles. This will be held as a social hike.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike, of at least 5 miles or more.
Complete between April 1, 2025 and April 30, 2025
[ ] 35 Points - Complete any hike PROACTIVE patch hike (except GOTH). Patch hike details and routes can be found at this link. A patch will be awarded to any participants who complete any of these routes in the month of April. Anybody who completes any patch hike in the month of April, whether or not they are participating in the Challenge, can request a patch by emailing
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike, of any distance, that includes 3000 feet or more of elevation gain.
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any hike totaling 10 miles or more.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike totaling 5 miles or more and cross any bridge. This can be ANY bridge - whether it was built by boy scouts or civil engineers - but a picture of said bridge must be submitted for credit.
Complete between May 1, 2025 and May 31, 2025
[ ] 30 Points - Complete GOTH. A patch will be awarded to any participants who complete this route. Route details and minimum eligibility can be found at this link. Anybody who completes this hike between the months of April and June, whether or not they are participating in the Challenge, can request a patch by emailing
[ ] 10 Points - Complete any RUN totaling 5 miles or more.
[ ] 15 Points - Complete any hike totaling 5 miles or more in NY and any hike of 3 miles or more in NJ in the same day.
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - Complete any hike to a sunset totaling 3 or more miles. Despite the weather and visibility, any hike completed during sunset hours will be counted.
Complete between date announced and May 31, 2025
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - ???
[ ] 5 Bonus Points - Complete a hike totaling at least 4 miles in your hometown. This would include any beginning point 15 from any point in your hometown. This would include any localities included in a 15-mile drive from your hometown city line.
[ ] 5 Bonus Points - Complete a hike of any distance that completely loops around a lake. The route should clearly wrap around the entire lake, the lake must be named as a lake on any geographic documentation, and the route must begin and conclude in the same spot to be counted.
[ ] 25 Bonus Points - Repeat any climb (except Pop Torne or Breakneck Ridge) - with an elevation gain of at least 350 feet - up to 3 times in a 24 hour period. (9/7/2024)
[ ] 20 Bonus Points - Complete any hike in the Adirondacks totaling 3 or more miles. The Adirondacks will be considered anywhere between Lake George and the St. Lawrence River in NY. (7/24/2024)
Complete between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - ???
[ ] 10 Bonus Points - ???
[ ] 5 Bonus Points - ???
[ ] 5 Bonus Points - ???
[ ] 5 Bonus Points - ???
Complete between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025
[ ] 50 TASK Points - Record a video of yourself that is at least 30 seconds in which you participate in, speak about, or otherwise overtly make reference to the PROACTIVE Challenge. Be creative, use your imagination or keep it simple and speak from the heart. Whatever you decide. These videos will be shared on social media.
[ ] 50 TASK Points - This task can be repeated up to 5 times and will earn 10 points per instance. Tag PROACTIVE in any social media content or submit content to PROACTIVE for use on social media as a story. Again, use your imagination or keep it simple. To earn points for this task, the content must be in video form.
[ ] 20 TASK Points - This task can be repeated up to 4 times and will earn 5 points per instance. Tag PROACTIVE in any social media content or submit content to PROACTIVE for use on social media. Again, use your imagination or keep it simple. To earn points for this task, the content can be in either photo or video form.
[ ] 50 TASK Points - This task can be repeated up to 5 times and will earn 10 points per instance. TBD...
[ ] 20 TASK Points - This task can be repeated up to 2 times and will earn 10 points per instance. Climb any fire tower and submit a picture or video. Any distance, any hike, any where, just climb a fire tower to the highest possible point.
[ ] 50 TASK Points - Sign up for and run any Sassquad Trail Running race. Visit for race listings. Use promo code: PROACTIVEAHW to receive 15% off any race before the end of the season.
[ ] 30 TASK Points - This task can be repeated up to 2 times and will earn 15 points per instance. Participate in any of the following non-hiking activities for a full session of the activity - rock climbing (indoor/outdoor), competitive team sport (any in which physical effort is required/can be self-organized), biking (outdoors/bikes must be fully self-powered), canoeing, swimming. A full session will be considered the appropriate length of time in which the activity would be generally accepted as a workout or a respectable physical effort. Competitors must post on social media or send a picture of their participation as vertification. (10/26/2024)
[ ] 20 TASK Points - This task can be repeated up to 2 times and will earn 10 points per instance. Camp anywhere for at least one night. Camping at a drive-in campsite, designated campsite, or a primitive camp site (following local laws regarding camping) will be accepted. (10/26/2024)
Complete between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025
[ ] 20 Points - Achieve ELITE status by completing the following (all separately): any hike in the Catskills, any hike in the Shawangunk Region, any hike in the Hudson Highlands, one easy hike, one moderate hike, one hard hike, one very hard hike, one extreme hike (a hike totaling 20+ miles and 5000+ feet). You must also earn at least 1 PROACTIVE patch (Beacon Bully, GOTH, Schunemunk Tour, or Winaki Derby/NGT). Do this all within the season to earn the points. Please see the PATCHES page for more information.
[ ] 20 Points - Earn all four PROACTIVE patches - Beacon Bully, GOTH, Schunemunk Tour, and Winaki Derby/NGT. There is one patch hike per season. Please see the ELITE page for more information.
[ ] 70 Points - earn 5 points for each social hike you attend. There will be 14 instances in which you can join the group throughout the season.
[ ] 100 Points - Earn 10 points per month (August 2024 - May 2025) in which you complete all of the challenges and bonus challenges for that particular month.
[ ] 20 Points - Earn 20 points at the end of the season for completing all 10 of the monthly bonuses (see challenge board) that are listed below the months' challenges above.
[ ] 30 Points - whomever is in the lead at the mid point of the Challenge, which we will call January 1st, 2025, will earn a 30 point boost. However, if there is a tie on January 1st, 2025, anybody tied for 1st place will be asked to submit their best effort from the previous 6 months (June 2024-December 2024) to be voted on by all other Challenge participants and PROACTIVE Instagram and Facebook followers by January 19th . The person with the highest amount of accumulated votes will earn the points.
[ ] 20 Points - Earn 20 points for a monthly best effort. You can only win best effort 2 times over the course of the season and will earn 10 points per instance. To win best effort - you will submit a route that you completed that month (or one will be submitted for you from previously submitted routes). A best effort will be chosen by a different special panel each month.
[ ] 30 - Correctly solve a series of puzzles/riddles to collect clues and be the first to submit the correct word or phrase at the conclusion of the entire puzzle/riddle. Puzzles and riddles will be presented on social media and/or through the website. Please keep your eyes out for new puzzles/riddles as this will be a one-time point infusion.